The Hub

Our Humanity Can’t Be Timeblocked

“Many companies and organizations have recognized that a 4-day workweek is a great idea but haven’t actually done it yet. When researching the concept, I felt as if there was a dearth of practical, logistical information about how companies can transition. I decided to journal about how the new policies were affecting my workflow and to track what happens when the rubber meets the road.”


4 antidotes for scarcity mindset

“…if our source of support doesn’t come from the ‘master’s house,’ from racism, from capitalism, from the United States, where does it come from? I offer that we turn to Nature, or Earth.”


7 Liberatory Signs That Made Me Apply for My Job

“I’ve been seeking a justice-centered workplace where I can be my authentic, Queer, Trans, Latinx self for my whole career. Like many, I’ve been exploited as an employee and I need a workplace where I am represented, gendered appropriately, and can thrive — what Social Justice Partners Los Angeles terms a ‘liberatory workplace,’ where everyone feels belonging and freedom.”


The Ethical Rainmaker: “The truth about cancel culture (and an alternative approach),” featuring Kevin Baker

Cancel culture. Disbanded groups. Severed ties. Intent vs Impact. Most of us are shit at dealing with problematic behavior – our own or others! Whether in our nonprofits, our neighborhood groups, activist communities or families – our unresolved conflicts cause damage, chaos and separation – in times where we need unity, repair and one-ness to best serve our communities. Enter Kevin Baker whose mission is to make sure people can bring their authentic cultural selves to the workplace, creating healthier, more open workspaces that better serve humans.
