“Many fundraisers recognize that current fundraising practices and philosophies are harmful and founded on white saviorism but are unsure how to dismantle oppressive practices. I hope to shed some light on how we have approached CCF.”
CCF Archive
Beyond Philanthropy: The Role of the Donor
By Monique Curry-Mims and Valerie Johnson
In The Role of the Donor, Monique and Valerie sit down to discuss the role of a donor or funder in this movement.
Community-Centric Fundraising cannot be neutral: A reflection for 2022
A question that often comes up in our in our sector is: “Should fundraising be ‘neutral?’” Meaning, should fundraising and fundraisers stay out of political discourse? Should we avoid contentious causes and stances? Should we simply raise money and let other leaders in the sector deal with the challenging and polarizing conversations?
After all, the way in which the nonprofit sector has been built legally prohibits most organizations from directly or indirectly participating in political campaigns for candidates. And many foundations actively discourage political involvement, lobbying, and advocacy.
But this in no way means that our work and our movements must remain neutral. Everything we do and every choice we make is political.
The 2021 CCF big ol’ rewind mega round-up
We’re closing out our second year of posting content to the Community-Centric Fundraising content hub. We feel incredibly lucky and honored to have worked with so many talented and passionate folks this year to expand our collective knowledge.
Here’s an anthology of everything that was published in 2021, organized by theme (and in order of date they were first published).
CCF is gonna go global
Earlier this month at CCF’s latest BIPOC Town Hall, CCF Seattle organizers announced that we are working to transition leadership to a global council, which will continue to guide the Community-Centric Fundraising movement.
We want to take this space to explain key decisions we’ve made and how we are envisioning what this rapidly-evolving movement might look like moving forward.
It’s been about nine months since Community-Centric Fundraising launched, (though the seed of CCF was planted several years before that, from conversations that many of us in the sector were having about our frustrations with the way that we fundraise.) We’ve been thrilled beyond our wildest dreams by all y’all’s responses to CCF. It’s been so resonant and incredible to connect with and learn from so many others who have experienced the same frustrations and challenges we were personally experiencing, and to see, hear, and feel how many people across the globe are committed to changing the sector for the better.
CCF’s top 10 accomplishments of 2020
CCF 2020 rewind: All of the stories, essays, and performances!
When Community-Centric Fundraising launched in July, we had no concept of what our hub would look like in December 2020. We had no idea we would be so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with such passionate, and intelligent folx — and we didn’t fully understand the kind of talent that exists in our sector.
Here’s an anthology of everything that was published in 2020, organized by theme (and in order of date they were first published).
How You Can Start Applying CCF’s 10 Principles today
Welcome to the CCF website!
We’re so glad to have you here with us on this journey of transforming fundraising and philanthropy so that it is co-grounded in racial and economic justice!
Our welcome video features leadership from CCF’s Seattle chapter, folx who have been meeting and convening regularly over the past few years in order to develop what you currently see here …