Multimedia Archive

Community Centric Fundraising (CCF) and Nonprofit Leadership


“I took on a role as executive director… came on board and realized that there’s no way that I can kind of shift from being a community-centric fundraiser to not being a community-centric leader, as an executive director. And I just have kind of embraced the role by sort of filtering all my decision making through the lens of community-centric fundraising.”


Why must the white cis nonprofit workers angry react to all my posts? Ep: White women, stop gatekeeping progress

I thought it was just a problem I was experiencing: white women gatekeepers in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) work. But, I was attending The Adaway Group’s Whiteness at Work Training (I highly recommend this training for folks working at predominantly white institutions!) when Desiree and Jessica began talking about it explicitly.
