Sommer Dawson Archive

Community Centric Fundraising (CCF) and Nonprofit Leadership


“I took on a role as executive director… came on board and realized that there’s no way that I can kind of shift from being a community-centric fundraiser to not being a community-centric leader, as an executive director. And I just have kind of embraced the role by sort of filtering all my decision making through the lens of community-centric fundraising.”


Instagram Live: What does it mean to be a disrupter in an institution?

This event has passed. Community-Centric Fundraising has been invited to speak at AFP Icon in Toronto. This is a big moment for the movement. How do we make sure that we are curious about how people are being helped by institutions — regardless if you’re a burn it all down, a reformer, or an incremental changemaker? Hear from Esther Lee, Rachel D’Souza, and Sommer Dawson who are all members of the CCF Global Council and have roles in AFP.
