Upcoming Events
Past Events with Recordings

An online event held on August 15, 2024. Global Council member Kelly Phipps interviewed April Walker, founder and CEO of Philanthropy for the People and multiple essayist in The CCF Content Hub, on liberatory language in fundraising.

An online event held on July 22, 2024. Rachel D’Souza, CCF Global Council Member and Founder of Gladiator Consulting shared insights designed to empower non-profit organizations with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complex world of policy. This session explored the critical role that policy plays in shaping the landscape of our work in communities and how non-profits can effectively advocate for policies that support their missions.

An online event held on June 20, 2024. What does the Community Centric Fundraising (CCF) movement mean to nonprofit leaders who are not fundraisers? What does it mean to be a community-centric institution? How are organizational leaders living and breathing CCF? How has CCF informed your nonprofit leadership? Also, if you’re trying to move your organization towards CCF principles, how can you influence leadership to take action? Sommer Dawson and Rickesh Lakhani, as nonprofit executive directors use their knowledge of CCF principles to lead their organizations. Hear their responses to these questions and more!

Un evento en línea celebrado el 26 de abril, 2024. Nuestra primera presentación en español de los principios de CCF y descubre cómo puedes ser parte de este movimiento global!

An online event held on March 14, 2024. This gathering was all celebrating the incredible talent, innovation, and potential of Africa. With engaging discussions and networking opportunities, this event was a must-attend for anyone passionate about Africa’s growth and development.

An online event held on February 21, 2024. Several members of the CCF Global Council hold AFP roles. Let’s talk about what that means in the social change movement ecosystem. What does it mean to be a disrupter in an institution? How do we make sure that we are curious about how people are being helped by institutions — regardless of if we’re a burn it all down advocate, a reformer, or an incremental changer? Hear from Esther Lee, Rachel D’Souza, and Sommer Dawson of the CCF Global Council are using their roles in AFP and pushing forward new visions of the future.

An online event held on August 25, 2021. Community-Centric Fundraising (CCF) celebrated one year of movement building. We heard updates from co-chairs, Andrea Arenas and Michelle Muri, and were in community through dialogue and fun games.

An online event held on July 24, 2020. “Data Says! What BIPOC fundraisers have known for years — and what the rest of us are only now catching onto’ is an opportunity to explore what white and BIPOC professionals think about fundraising practices in the nonprofit sector — how they agree and where they differ.

An online event held on July 13, 2020. A Community-Centric Fundraising launch event, an opportunity to explore a world beyond capitalism and the nonprofit industrial complex.