Check out the two-part series Navigating Conversations on Racial Justice: A Workshop on Community-Centric Fundraising Principle #6, May 23 and June 6, 10-12 pm PST.
What would be possible for our relationships and communities if we courageously address the topics we’ve been avoiding? Successful movements require challenging conversations – what would be possible if we could get through those moments in a generative and loving way? What does it look like to have some of the conversations we’ve been avoiding or are afraid to have?
Join us for an opportunity to embark on this deeply personal and professionally transformative journey. This workshop is open to all nonprofit white staff, not just those directly in fundraising. Together, let’s commit to the hard but necessary emotional labor of becoming more reliable allies in service to justice and equity.

Michelle Shireen Muri
Ignited by a beautiful volunteer experience, Michelle (she/her) has crafted her career through 15 years of resource generation through social justice movements. Her successes and tenure at Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, now the largest immigrant rights org in the nation, fostered a critical lens towards fundraising and a deep love of community solidarity.
She believes there is deep power and personal healing in the work of generating resources from a values-aligned space.
Michelle is the founder of Freedom Conspiracy and Co-Founder of Community-Centric Fundraising.

Fleur Larsen
Fleur Larsen (she/her) is a facilitator, consultant, and coach whose work is anchored in relationship and intersectionality; knowing we can transform systems as we heal and learn at the individual level as well. She deeply values community building and organizational development by supporting people developing a power and privilege analysis.
The core of Fleur’s work is influenced by deep personal practice to understanding the impacts of her own gender and racial identities as a white woman. For the last seven years she has specifically engaged her community of fellow white women in a commitment to racial justice, healing, and action. She invites all white women to join together as we decenter ourselves and powerfully use our gatekeeping status for racial justice and liberation. The strength felt in numbers can be powerful and inspiring such as this call to action for 25K white women to demand gun safety on June 5th by Here 4 the Kids.
Hello, Is the upcoming workshop targeted at white allies?
That is my understanding from the description, but you would want to check in with the presenters. We are just sharing the workshop.