By Anna Rebecca Lopez, AR Lopez Consulting

This infographic is part of a multi-part series. View the first infographic in the series here. Follow CCF on Instagram, Facebook, or sign up for our mailing list to get notified of the next part!

Anna Rebecca Lopez
Anna Rebecca Lopez (she/they) is an experienced Evaluator and consultant, using mixed-method approaches to social science research, statistical analysis, community engagement & collaboration, digitization and more. She is the Principal Evaluator at AR Lopez Consulting, where she specializes is disaggregating data in a way that tell authentic and useful stories. You can find her on IG @anna_.rebecca
Thank you for doing/sharing this important work.
Thanks, Rebecca. This information is critical to informing the changes we want to push for in the sector!!
This is a great piece, thank you! I do wonder though if it could be strengthened by defining what specific “current fundraising practices and philosophies” are being referred to.
Thank you for this great resource, Anna! I do wonder if it could be made stronger by defining the current fundraising practices and philosophies referred to throughout the infographic? Just a thought. Thanks again!
Are these infographics allowed to be shared with credit?
Hi Julie! That’s up to Anna Rebecca Lopez. We have messaged her on Instagram. They may respond to you directly or respond here. Thanks for your interest!