Chris Talbot-Heindl Archive

Ways whiteness shows up in CCF to the detriment of everyone (including white folks), part 3: Retribution for speaking out in support of Palestine

The worst way that whiteness is showing up in our movement and elsewhere in the sector, from my purview, is and always has been white folks retaliating against People of the Global Majority speaking truth to power. Most recently, it’s shown up as retribution for speaking out in support of Palestine.


Ways whiteness shows up in CCF to the detriment of everyone (including white folks), part 2: “Stop using that word.”

White cisgender women especially, but white folks of all persuasions, have flooded the CCF channels where BIPOC folks are having fruitful and honest conversations, derailing them and re-enacting the worst bits of whiteness, at times making the spaces feel like a glorified replica of every white-led organization I’ve had the displeasure of navigating.


What you can do this Pride month: stop your organization from rainbowfying its logo unless it spends the rest of the year materially making things better for LGBTIQA2+ folks

Supporting marginalized communities when it’s easy and lucrative to do so isn’t being a true accomplice. When it’s hard to do, and you still do it, you show your accomplice chops… Here are some (non-prescriptive and non-exhaustive) ideas for what your organization should be pushing for before it starts draping itself in the rainbow flag…
