By Chris Talbot-Heindl, communications professional and educomics creator

Chris Talbot-Heindl
Chris Talbot-Heindl (they/them) is a queer, trans nonbinary, triracial artist and nonprofit employee. When they aren’t working the day job, they spend their free time editing art and literature magazines, writing and illustrating educomics to help folks affirm their nonbinary pals, creating a graphic novel to describe what it’s like to be nonbinary in a gender binary world, cuddling their cat, and quad skating in the park. You can find Chris at, on LinkedIn, and Twitter — and tip them on Venmo or PayPal or join as a patron on their Patreon
Photo credits: Makeup by Brittany Blaze-Shearz; Direction and photograph by Chermetra Keys/The Female Shoota; cattoo by Aura Rain Heindl-Rockman.
“There’s a common mistake that white people make when assessing risk, which is to take on the risk assessment of people with multiply marginalized identities.” YES this is all too common *snaps*